[Flac] Series of patches fixing MSVC 2010 compilation and 64-bit file support
Chris Moeller
2012-08-14 11:18:18 UTC
Disregard that, I should have posted to the dev list. Oh, and that third
patch is incomplete.
The first patch upgrades the projects to MSVC 2010 files, the second fixes
some other compilation issues, and the third expands encoding support to
64-bit file sizes.
Some of this could probably be reformatted to move some of the definitions
to a common compatibility header file.
Some of the inline changes and redefinitions were due to how MSVC treated
some of the inline functions, causing them to fail to
link. safe_malloc_mul_2op_, in particular, should probably be moved to a
static C file, since MSVC doesn't want to pick it up otherwise.
-Chris M.
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