I forgot to post to this list yesterday, so here's my latest email to the
dev list:
--------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Scott Brown <scottcbrown at gmail.com>
Date: Sun, Jul 27, 2014 at 8:16 AM
Subject: Re: [flac-dev] 1.21 vs 1.3 encoding speed
To: Martijn van Beurden <mvanb1 at gmail.com>
Cc: flac-dev at xiph.org
Adding -O3 now has these results:
51.81 seconds for the file that took 222 seconds without -O3. So that was
Thank you!
On Sat, Jul 26, 2014 at 3:47 AM, Martijn van Beurden <mvanb1 at gmail.com>
./configure -enable-static -disable-shared CFLAGS=" -isysroot
/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.6.sdk -mmacosx-version-min=10.6"
Well, the use of CFLAGS 'disables' the -O3 and unroll-loops
optimisation. I'm quite sure that's the culprit. Add -O3 to your
CFLAGS and it should be fixed.
See the following lines in the configure script
if test "x$user_cflags" = x; then
CFLAGS="-O3 -funroll-loops -Wall -W -Winline"
Maybe we should change this 'overriding' behaviour of CFLAGS and
add -O3 just like most other options are added to the CFLAGS?
flac-dev mailing list
flac-dev at xiph.org
Please cc: the results from dev list back here though
I would run some tests on a diff platform but don't have access to my PC for a few weeks
Would also be interesting to see what decoding stats you get
I will post to the dev list, sorry about that.
24/96 wav file
1.21: 61.05 seconds. ratio=0.690
1.3: 222.48 seconds. ratio=0.690
smaller 16/44.1 wav file
1.21: 14.28 seconds. ratio=0.487
1.3: 51.21 seconds. ratio=0.487
Post by dathead2Are you sure they didn't change the default encoding level ?
I would include some example timings to give a better idea of what
"significantly slower" is
Wonder if you see same for 44/16 files?
You might want to report this to the flac-dev mailinglist instead of the
flac (users) list.
I'm on a Mac and I'm noticing that encoding via the flac command line is
significantly slower with version 1.3.0 than 1.2.1. I'm encoding a 24/96
file to flac, both from wav and aiff and both formats are showing the same
speed decrease when using 1.3.0.
Also, 1.2.1 will not encode an aiff-c file, but 1.3.0 will. Is this
change documented anywhere?
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